Sunday, January 17, 2010

Great Barrier Reef

Satellite image of part of the Great Barrier Reef adjacent to the Queensland coastal areas of Airlie Beach and Mackay.

what is this place? where is the place?
The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest
coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi). The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia.

Starfish on coral. Tourists often photograph the natural beauty of the reef.

The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space and is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms. This reef structure is composed of and built by billions of tiny organisms, known as coral polyps. The Great Barrier Reef supports a wide diversity of life, and was selected as a World Heritage Site in 1981. CNN has labelled it one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. The Queensland National Trust has named it a state icon of Queensland.

why do tourist visit this place?
The Great Barrier Reef supports a diversity of life, including many vulnerable or endangered species, some of which may be endemic to the reef system. Due to its vast biodiversity, warm clear waters and its accessibility from the floating guest facilities called 'live aboards', the reef is a very popular destination for tourists, especially scuba divers. Tourism on the Great Barrier Reef is concentrated in the Whitsundays and Cairns due to their accessibility, which make up 7% of the area of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The Whitsundays and Cairns have their own Plans of Management. Many cities along the Queensland coast offer daily boat trips to the reef.

A scuba diver looking at a giant clam on the Great Barrier Reef

Several continental and coral cay islands have been turned into resorts, including the pristine resort island of Lady Elliot Island. As of 1996, 27 islands on the Great Barrier Reef supported resorts.

What are the sources of information for this place?
1. -> wikipedia is a website where one can find information about anything one needs. The website is updated often by various people around the world.

questions we came up with!

since the Great Barrier Reef is so famous, how is it protected?
~A large part of the reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which helps to limit the impact of human use, such as overfishing and tourism. The park is managed, in partnership with the Government of Queensland, through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to ensure that it is widely understood and used in a sustainable manner. A combination of zoning, management plans, permits, education and incentives (such as eco-tourism certification) are used in the effort to conserve the Great Barrier Reef.
In July 2004, a new zoning plan was brought into effect for the entire Marine Park, and has been widely acclaimed as a new global benchmark for the conservation of
marine ecosystems. The rezoning was based on the application of systematic conservation planning techniques, using the MARXAN software.[77] While protection across the Marine Park was improved, the highly protected zones increased from 4.5% to over 33.3%.At the time, it was the largest marine protected area in the world, although as of 2006, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument is the largest.
In 2006, a review was undertaken of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975. Some recommendations of the review are that there should be no further zoning plan changes until 2013, and that every five years, a
peer-reviewed Outlook Report should be published, examining the health of the Great Barrier Reef, the management of the reef, and environmental pressures
Other environmental pressures to the reef and its
ecosystem include water quality from runoff, climate change accompanied by mass coral bleaching, and cyclic outbreaks of the crown-of-thorns starfish.

how have humans take advantage of the great barrier reef?
tourism: The Great Barrier Reef has been utilised by the Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and is an important part of local groups' cultures and spirituality. The reef is a very popular destination for tourists, especially in the Whitsundays and Cairns regions. Tourism is also an important economic activity for the region. Fishing also occurs in the region, generating AU$ 1 billion per year.

kat and wen posted this:)

Done by: Clarissa Yeo and Kala(4M)

What is this place?
The Great Barrier Reef is one of the main features of Australia, being the largest coral reef and recognized as one of the world's 7 natural wonders.

Where is this place?The Great Barrier Reef is located off the northeast coast of Australia. It is located in the Coral Sea and goes for a length of 2000 km down the coast of Queensland. It is actually a series of reefs, with its northern end is near Cairns.
Why do tourists visit this place?
It is the largest coral reef in the world and it has a unique, rich, stunningly beautiful ocean eco system.

What are the sources of information for this place?
Online encyclopaedia, informational website.
Ask and answer website, free for user to add in information.
Ask and answer website, free for user to add in information.

-The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world, roughly parallel to the coast of Queensland, Australia, for almost 2,000km. Australia has almost 1/5th of the world's reef area and most is located in the GBR.
-Washed by the warm waters of the South-West Pacific Ocean the perfect environment is created for the world's largest system of coral reefs.  The Great Barrier Reef is of such pristine condition that it was listed by the World Heritage Trust as a protected site and is therefore managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority to ensure that its beauty is maintained for many generations to come. 
-Visitors in their thousands come to marvel at the spectacular sight seeing opportunities that is unique to our area. The Wet Tropics World Heritage listed Rainforest on one side and the Great Barrier Reef on the other. No other place in the world offers such diversity so close to each other.
-Off the coastline are outer edge ribbon reefs which may be up to 25 kilometres long. This is the outer limits of the continental shoreline of prehistoric times. The ribbon reefs can be seen by taking one of the daily outer reef cruises offered by local operators. One of the best ways to view the reef is to take a low flying scenic flight over it, especially at low tide where you'll see the breadth and diversity of this great living wonder. 
-The waters of the Great Barrier Reef provide the worlds busiest and most varied marine habitats. Marine life is in abundance. The varied colours of the reef's fish and other marine life will astound the visitor with colour combinations that artists haven't even dreamed of. It is the largest of the world’s 552 World Heritage Areas, covering 347,000 km. there are more than 2800 catalogued reefs in the area.
The following tourism opportunities exist in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park:
Aircraft or helicopter tours - There is nothing quite like seeing this amazing environment from the sky - a small number of operators can offer you the flight of a lifetime. Some operate to small pontoons stationed at reefs, some to larger vessels and others land right on the water.
Bareboats (self-sail) – If you would like to control your own destiny, bareboats offer an exclusively designed Whitsunday experience. Bareboats are vessels no longer than six metres, motorised or with sail. They are not chartered with crew; that part is up to you!
Beach hire - Prefer to enjoy the island beaches then keep your eye out for beach hire.
Cruise ships – Hundreds of passengers are now experiencing the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef onboard large, luxury cruise ships.
Day tours - Most tourists visit the Great Barrier Reef on a day tour, often on large high speed catamarans. The popular areas continue to be Cairns and the Whitsundays, both offering unique experiences.
Diving and fishing charters – If you are after adventure and like to be right in amongst the environment you can choose a diving or fishing adventure.
Long range roving tours - Long range rovers are a special group of operators who can offer you customised charters through the Marine Park. Groups are small and the trips cover long distances and include real adventure.
Motorised watersports – Fun and adrenalin, we must be talking about parasailing and jet ski tours, which can also be available for your enjoyment at island resorts and popular beach towns along the Great Barrier Reef coast.
Overnight and extended tours – Those fortunate enough to have more time to explore the Marine Park can choose to stay overnight on boats and islands.
Passenger ferries – When you need to get from here to there on a regular basis, or are fortunate enough to live on one of tropical islands, then a passenger ferry becomes an affordable necessity.
Whale watching and swimming with whales - Few things are more amazing than viewing these magnificent creatures up close.

It is a coral reef
It is roughly parallel to the coast of Queensland, Australia
-Tourists visit this place to see the corals (which they probably do not get to see anywhere else in such abundance)
-Tourists also get to enjoy the sunny weather and seas

- Does this tourism affect the reef?
Tourism does affect the reef as the activites done to accommodate tourists might damage and hinder the growth of corals. Diving and fishing charters available would increase the chances of the coralls being accidentally hit, and may die. Also, the disturbance in the water could prohibit coral growth.
- what are the living organisms that live in the great barrier reef?
30 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises live in, or visit Great Barrier Reef waters
Some of the largest populations of dugongs  in the world live on the Great Barrier Reef
Over 200 species of birds (including 40 species of seabirds) live on the Great Barrier Reef
Six breeding species of sea turtles live on the Great Barrier Reef
1500 species of fish live on the Great Barrier Reef
5,000 species of molluscs live on the Great Barrier Reef
400 species of coral  live on the Great Barrier Reef

Of some 60 species of seagrass  around the world, there are 30 in Australia and 15 in Queensland waters.

500 species of seaweed or marine algae live on the Great Barrier Reef

Done BY Joy Chua 4R


  1. Great Barrier Reef is a very beautiful place to visit,I believe that it will be an eye-opener to visitors, as it is the largest coral reef in the world. Tourist who are interested in marine life would definitely enjoy this experience.It is classified as a natural attraction.

    -Sheng Mei-4R

  2. The Great Barrier Reef is a form of nature-based tourism as it consists of 3000 individual reef systems which people come to see and the activities that tourists engage in are mostly activities that allow them to see more of the reef.

    Joy & Liyuan 4R~~

  3. Great Barrier Reef can be classified a s a nature-based tourism. It is also a form of niche tourism, as not everybody is equipped with diving skills to fully appreciate the coral reef. As it has been classified as a wonder of the world, tourists are attracted to experience for themselves the beauty that lies under the water.

    Shuba & Sheng Mei
